
Version 1.0.27

date: 2024-05-27 (build 75)

  • IMPROVED: improve Chinese subtitle matching logic
  • IMPROVED: The cloud service automatically loads subtitles and does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
  • FIXED: fix issue that some emby may not update playback time properly
  • FIXED: fix issue that the Emby details page may not be displayed
  • FIXED: fix issue that some external ass subtitles can not be loaded for Emby/Jellyfin
  • FIXED: fix connection issue with custom port for Synology protocol
  • FIXED: fix playback issue with video from Google Drive using default player
  • FIXED: fix issue that some FTP may not be connected
  • FIXED: fix issue that can not view all files in the folder for Google Drive
  • FIXED: fix issue that subtitle not auto selected when there is only one subtitle available for emby
  • FIXED: fix issue that can not resume from library after switch drive for aliyun drive

Version 1.0.26

date: 2024-04-08 (build 74)

  • ADDED: add Top Shelf support for Emby
  • ADDDED: add upcoming area to Emby/Jellyfin home
  • ADDED: add search subtitle feature to player more panel
  • ADDED: add subtitle font size adjustment feature to player more panel
  • ADDED: add subtitle color adjustment feature to player more panel
  • ADDED: add subtitle position adjustment feature to MPV player
  • IMPROVED: change default path to /dav for WebdAV protocol

Version 1.0.25

date: 2024-03-11 (build 73)

  • ADDED: add cluster search feature to emby
  • IMPROVED: improve voice search input box to automatically convert traditional to simplified Chinese when the traditional to simplified switch is turned on
  • FIXED: fix issue that search not working with some cloud services
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback progress not stopped correctly after select episode for Emby

Version 1.0.24

date: 2024-02-28 (build 72)

  • FIXED: fix crash issue when auto play next video

Version 1.0.23

date: 2024-02-26 (build 71)

  • ADDED: add Siri voice search Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese feature
  • IMPROVED: improve remote protocol login user experience
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback record of aliyun drive may not be loaded
  • FIXED: fix issue that Synology with two-step verification can not use Quick Connect ID to login
  • FIXED: fix issue that WebDAV video may not be played

Version 1.0.22

date: 2024-02-19 (build 70)

  • ADDED: add Traditional Chinese support
  • ADDED: add support to display iso files for cloud service
  • IMPROVED: improve MPV player performance
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback record of aliyun drive may not be loaded

Version 1.0.21

date: 2024-01-30 (build 69)

  • ADDED: add aliyun drive playback history sync support
  • ADDED: add user agent setting for IPTV
  • FIXED: fix issue that Emby playback history not saved
  • FIXED: fix issue that Emby can not connect when address end with slash

Version 1.0.20

date: 2023-12-3 (build 68)

  • ADDED: add tiff and bmp image format support
  • ADDED: add MPV cache duration and size settings
  • ADDED: add MPV cache to disk settings, clear cache after player closed
  • FIXED: fix issue that IPTV may crash when switch channel
  • FIXED: fix issue that remote protocol login may crash
  • FIXED: fix issue that player progress not sync with iOS control center

Version 1.0.19

date: 2023-11-21 (build 67)

  • ADDED: add MPV settings
  • ADDED: add QR code login support to BaiduPan
  • ADDED: add support to play with Infuse
  • FIXED: fix issue that password with space can not login

Version 1.0.18

date: 2023-08-29 (build 66)

  • ADDED: add resource drive support for aliyun drive
  • FIXED: fix issue that screen saver may be shown during playback
  • FIXED: fix issue that file size calculation error

Version 1.0.17

date: 2023-07-25 (build 65)

  • FIXED: fix issue that favorited SMB folder can not be opened
  • FIXED: fix issue that Quick Connect ID can not be used for Synology
  • FIXED: fix possible crash issue caused by network library
  • FIXED: fix issue that IPTV playback may crash

Version 1.0.16

date: 2023-05-30 (build 64)

  • ADDED: add feature load subtitle from cloud folder
  • ADDED: add audio and subtitle preferred language setting
  • IMPROVED: improve user experience of dragging slider for video player
  • FIXED: fix issue that some subtitle may not automatically loaded
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback control may not shown when video is paused

Version 1.0.15

date: 2023-04-20 (build 63)

  • ADDED: add aliyun drive support
  • ADDED: add playback info to control center
  • ADDED: add video preference settings for Emby
  • ADDED: add iCloud sync switch for Emby
  • ADDED: add close subtitle option
  • IMPROVED: improve the player pause after the gesture slide fast positioning user experience
  • FIXED: fix SMB playback issue with MPV player

Version 1.0.14

date: 2023-03-07 (build 62)

  • ADDED: add jellyfin support
  • ADDED: add SMB support for mpv player
  • ADDED: add DAT video format support
  • ADDED: add auto load danmaku file feature
  • IMPROVED: upgrade mpv version to 0.35.1
  • FIXED: fix issue that remote IPTV can not be added
  • FIXED: fix issue of opening the root directory of the favorited directory
  • FIXED: fix issue that favorited directory not displaying starred icon
  • FIXED: fix issue that deleting favorited directory not updating home page

Version 1.0.12

date: 2023-02-07 (build 60)

  • FIXED: fix issue that recent playback history can not be resumed
  • FIXED: fix issue that subtitles within same directory can not be loaded

Version 1.0.11

date: 2022-10-06 (build 52)

  • Redesign home view
  • Add playback history to home view

Version 1.0.8

date: 2022-08-01 (build 48)

  • ADDED: add lab area on settings page
  • ADDED: add SFTP support
  • FIXED: fix issue that the image viewer does not display full screen
  • FIXED: fix issue that the picture browser cannot preview pictures occasionally
  • FIXED: fix issue that the picture browser did not display the selected picture
  • FIXED: fix issue thatvideo player does not remember the selected inner sub
  • FIXED: fix issue that some media library contents of Emby are not fully displayed
  • FIXED: fix issue that IPTV does not pause when entering the background

Version 1.0.7

date: 2022-06-28 (build 47)

  • ADDED: add search feature to cloud service
  • ADDED: add photo browser
  • ADDED: add thumbnail support to cloud videos (if cloud serivce supported)
  • ADDED: close player when playback ended
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback will be paused when return from playlist control using MPV player
  • FIXED: fix auto refresh issue with IPTV
  • FIXED: fix issue that the playlist shows the whole list when entering the playlist under IPTV group
  • FIXED: fix issue that can not delete local M3U/TXT files
  • FIXED: fix playback issue with some WebDAV using mpv player

Version 1.0.6

date: 2022-06-10 (build 46)

  • ADDED: SMBv3.0.2 switch added to settings
  • ADDED: IPTV adds the ability to upload local M3U/TXT files
  • ADDED: IPTV player adds MPV player (controlled by player options)
  • IMPROVED: Optimize the user experience of searching channels on IPTV
  • FIXED: fixe issue of not being able to use channel +/- to quickly switch IPTV channels
  • FIXED: fix issue of Emby search result page jumping
  • FIXED: fix issue that that FTP connection can only use port number 22
  • FIXED: fix issue that some IPTV connections cannot be played

Version 1.0.4

date: 2022-06-01 (build 44)

  • ADDED: add playback history to IPTV
  • ADDED: add TXT format support to IPTV
  • ADDED: add search channel feature to IPTV
  • ADDED: add back to emby home button to emby profile page
  • ADDED: add aspect ratio feature to player
  • ADDED: add forward/backward step feature to player
  • IMPROVED: change video quality to origin for BaiduPan
  • IMPROVED: improve user experience for IPTV playback selection
  • FIXED: fix issue that edit IPTV not working
  • FIXED: fix issue that some tvg logo can not displayed
  • FIXED: fix issue that last played channel not remembered for IPTV
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback speed not updated after changed speed
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback history not saved for Emby

Version 1.0.3

date: 2022-05-12 (build 43)

  • ADDED: add mpv optimization switch control
  • FIXED: fix issue that playback history not updated when close video player
  • FIXED: fix issue that speed indicator always shown for default video player
  • FIXED: fix issue that video title not updated when auto play next item

Version 1.0.2

date: 2022-05-05 (build 42)

  • ADDED: add IPTV entrance
  • ADDED: add iCloud sync feature to IPTV
  • ADDED: add arrow down(up) to show(hide) info tab
  • ADDED: add overview info to video info tab
  • ADDED: add playback history to cloud video files
  • ADDED: add reorder feature to cloud files
  • FIXED: fix emby reorder related bugs
  • FIXED: fix issue that focus state of info tab list
  • FIXED: fix issue that can not change playlist
  • FIXED: fix issue that info not updated when change playing item
  • FIXED: fix issue that playing title not updated when change playing item
  • FIXED: fix issue that metadata provider can not changed

Version 1.0.1

date: 2022-04-24 (build 41)

  • ADDED: add audio track selection in swipe down panel for video player
  • ADDED: add subtitle track selecton in swipe down panel for video player
  • ADDED: add playlist selection in swipe down panel for video player
  • FIXED: fix issue that play from beginning not working for emby
  • FIXED: fix issue that video resolution not displayed

Version 1.0.1

date: 2022-04-18 (build 40)

  • initial release