Version 1.3.27
- FIXED: fix issue that screen will turn off when WiFi transfer files
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle delay adjust can not be negative number
- FIXED: fix issue that danmaku custom address not work after relaunch app
- FIXED: fix issue that local video can not auto load subtitle
Version 1.3.26
date: 2024-07-28 (build 241)
- ADDED: add asf video format support
- ADDED: add sd video quality to aliyun drive
- IMPROVED: improve ux for video more subtitle settings
- FIXED: fix issue that some embbed lyrics not loaded for audio player
- FIXED: fix issue that imported files always stored to root directory
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle with the same name to video file can not be automatically loaded for local video files
- FIXED: try fix hardware decoding losing for mpv player
Version 1.3.25
date: 2024-07-06 (build 240)
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of auto launch emby on iPad
- FIXED: fix issue that iso files can not played with external players
- FIXED: fix layout issue after close video player for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that some iptv program list info maybe not loaded correctly
- FIXED: fix issue that some local m3u connection maybe not deleted correctly
- FIXED: fix issue that lyrics not support multiple lines for audio player
Version 1.3.24
date: 2024-06-23 (build 239)
- ADDED: add PhotoAlbum support to emby
- ADDED: add screencast menu to cloud video files
- IMPROVED: improve default subtitle load logic for mpv player
- IMPROVED: improve single word search for emby
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of auto launch emby
- FIXED: fix issue that some words of subtitle may display incorrectly for default player
- FIXED: fix some bugs of plex
Version 1.3.23
date: 2024-06-09 (build 238)
- FIXED: fix playback issue that some M3U
- FIXED: fix issue that some SFTP can not be connected
- FIXED: fix issue that audio playback record not saved properly
Version 1.3.22
date: 2024-05-28 (build 237)
- FIXED: fix issue that some emby may not update playback time properly
Version 1.3.21
date: 2024-05-25 (build 236)
- ADDED: add a switch to hide the PRO icon in general settings
- IMPROVED: improve danmaku matching logic
- IMPROVED: improve Chinese subtitle matching logic
- FIXED: fix issue that some custom fonts could not load properly
- FIXED: fix issue that audio files from AliyunDrive may not play
- FIXED: fix issue that some emby may not update playback time properly
- FIXED: fix some bugs of plex
Version 1.3.20
date: 2024-05-15 (build 235)
- FIXED: fix issue cloud video playlist may in disorder
- FIXED: fix issue that the Emby details page may not be displayed
- FIXED: fix issue that unable to delete Jellyfin videos
- FIXED: fi issue that modifying the video resolution of AliyunDrive may not take effect
Version 1.3.19
date: 2024-05-13 (build 234)
- ADDED: add custom sub font feature to mpv player
- FIXED: fix some bugs of plex
Version 1.3.18
date: 2024-05-10 (build 233)
- ADDED: add Plex feature to lab
- ADDED: add fast forward and fast backward feature to audio player
- ADDED: add playback rate feature to audio player
- FIXED: fix issue that some external ass subtitles can not be loaded for Emby/Jellyfin
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitles/lrcs can not be loaded when cloud file list is filtered
- FIXED: fix issue that text file with non-utf8 encoding can not be opened with text editor
- FIXED: fix connection issue with custom port for Synology protocol
- FIXED: fix playback issue with video from Google Drive using default player
Version 1.3.17
date: 2024-05-05 (build 232)
- ADDED: add force refresh menu to Alist protocol, admin permission required
- IMPROVED: The cloud service automatically loads subtitles and does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
- FIXED: fix crash issue that select found dlna device twice
- FIXED: fix issue that some FTP may not be connected
- FIXED: fix issue that some photos can not be viewed for Alist protocol
Version 1.3.16
date: 2024-04-30 (build 231)
- FIXED: fix issue that can not view all files in the folder for Google Drive
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle not auto selected when there is only one subtitle available for emby
Version 1.3.15
date: 2024-04-15 (build 230)
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of entering picture in picture mode
- FIXED: fix issue that can not resume from library after switch drive for aliyun drive
Version 1.3.14
date: 2024-03-29 (build 229)
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of entering picture in picture mode
- IMPROVED: change default path to /dav for WebdAV protocol
- FIXED: fix issue that next up sections not shown for Jellyfin
- FIXED: fix issue that program with ipv6 address can not be parsed for M3U
Version 1.3.13
date: 2024-03-26 (build 228)
- ADDED: add screen capture toggle button to playback control page
- FIXED: fix issue that some programs missing when the url contains Chinese characters for IPTV
Version 1.3.12
date: 2024-03-19 (build 227)
- FIXED: fix issue that picture in picture take effect when app in background even if auto pip is turned off
- FIXED: fix issue that emby season page maybe displayed empty
- FIXED: fix issue that audio track not loaded correctly when play next video track
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork of aliyun video not displayed in now playing center
Version 1.3.11
date: 2024-03-18 (build 226)
- ADDED: add remember audio playback record feature
- ADDED: add next up section to Emby/Jellyfin home page
- ADDED: add preview feature to text editor
- ADDED: add using other encoding to reopen file to text editor
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of entering picture in picture mode
- FIXED: fix issue that when user tap skip ending button, the video will not be marked as played
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle not loaded correctly when play next video track
- FIXED: fix issue that some video on emby can not be downloaded
- FIXED: fix issue that adjust skip opening and ending popup display when player in portrait mode
Version 1.3.10
date: 2024-03-13 (build 225)
- ADDED: add progress view to downloading page
- ADDED: add chapter feature to video player
- ADDED: add video version select feature to video player for emby
- ADDED: add file size info to mpv video player metadata info popup
- FIXED: fix thumbnail issue with local alist
- FIXED: fix issue that search result of subtitles not remembered when playing emby video
Version 1.3.8
date: 2024-02-28 (build 224)
- ADDED: add lyrics support for local flac audio if lyrics embedded
- FIXED: fix crash issue using VLC player playing MP4 video
- FIXED: adjust video quality of baidu pan to 480P
Version 1.3.7
date: 2024-02-27 (build 223)
- ADDED: add external player support to BaiduPan video
- IMPROVED: adjust video quality of baidu pan to 720P
- FIXED: fix issue that connection tags can be saved
- FIXED: fix issue that can not login Google Drive
- FIXED: fix navigation bar layout issue after closing IPTV video player for large screen device
- FIXED: fix issue that in some case video can not be played when selected video quality for aliyun drive
Version 1.3.6
date: 2024-02-26 (build 220)
- ADDED: add video quality selection for Aliyun Drive
- ADDED: add lyrics support for local mp3 audio if lyrics embedded
- FIXED: fix possible issue that can not play audio from WebDAV
- FIXED: fix navigation bar layout issue after closing IPTV video player for large screen device
- FIXED: fix issue that IPTV not paused when entering background
Version 1.3.5
date: 2024-02-22 (build 219)
- ADDED: add video quality selection for baidu pan
- ADDED: add aac audio format support
- FIXED: fix connect issue with two-step verification enabled Synology
- FIXED: fix download issue with Synology
- FIXED: fix navigation bar layout issue after closing video player for large screen device
Version 1.3.4
date: 2024-02-16 (build 218)
- IMPROVED: improve the performance of MPV player
- FIXED: fix wrong device orientation when closing the video immediately after opening it
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork image of flac file is not displayed in audio player
- FIXED: fix issue that picture in picture button may not displayed in mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that picture in picture may not working as expected when click pip button
Version 1.3.3
date: 2024-02-11 (build 217)
- FIXED: fix stuttering issue when browsing OneDrive images
- FIXED: fix issue that some video from alist can not be played
- FIXED: fix issue that video from webdav with password can not be played via external player
Version 1.3.2
date: 2024-02-06 (build 216)
- ADDED: add preview cloud documents support
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of download files
- FIXED: fix issue that navigation bar title too long for aliyun drive
- FIXED: fix issue that drive info not update in time for aliyun drive
Version 1.3.1
date: 2024-02-02 (build 215)
- ADDED: add batch download feature to cloud files
- ADDED: add background download support to cloud services
- ADDED: add thumbnail support to local gif files
- IMPROVED: remove 50M limit for downloading files from BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix issue that local subtitle not working with VLC player
- FIXED: fix issue that title not showing in now player center with audio from AliyunDrive
- FIXED: fix issue that playback record of aliyundrive video not updated when clear playback history
- FIXED: fix issuet that opening local pictures maybe messed up
Version 1.3.0
date: 2024-01-15 (build 213)
- FIXED: fix issue that thumbnail of Dropbox image display incorrectly
- FIXED: fix issue that access token not auto refreshed when expired for BaiduPan
Version 1.2.38
date: 2023-12-28 (build 212)
- ADDED: add thumbnail support to aliyun drive music files
- ADDED: add MusicVideo type support to emby
- FIXED: fix issue that FaceID not working
- FIXED: fix issue that photo browser can not long press to save image
- FIXED: fix issue that access token not auto refreshed when expired for BaiduPan
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.37
date: 2023-12-26 (build 210)
- ADDED: add long press gesture to emby item to show context menu
- ADDED: add switch to control sync playback record to aliyun drive
- ADDED: add User-Agent setting to IPTV
- ADDED: add long press menu to copy origin filename for batch renaming preview items
- FIXED: fix issue that viewing local image always display the first image
- FIXED: fix issue that auto launch emby not working on iPad
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.36
date: 2023-12-18 (build 209)
- ADDED: add Tranditional Chinese support
- ADDED: add tif image format support
- ADDED: add swipe to delete feature to local file search result
- ADDED: add auto open emby feature
- FIXED: fix issue that auto loaded danmaku not shown in setting menu for video player
- FIXED: fix the problem of not being able to connect to Emby when the address ends with a slash
- FIXED: fix issue that viewing large number of images may cause crash
- FIXED: fix issue that deleting local file may cause crash
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.35
date: 2023-12-05 (build 208)
- FIXED: fixed the problem of not being able to connect to Emby when the address ends with a slash.
- FIXED: fix issue that local file moved when played with Fileball
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.34
date: 2023-11-28 (build 207)
- ADDED: add fixed length to format mode to batch rename
- FIXED: fix emby media size calculation issue
- FIXED: fix issue that emby episode page does not scroll to current episode in more from season section
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.33
date: 2023-11-26 (build 206)
- ADDED: add tiff/bmp image support
- ADDED: add swipe to delete cloud search result files
- ADDED: add sort by IMDb rating to emby list
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of adjust brightness for video player
- IMPROVED: improve connect speed to BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix issue that thumbnail of local file may displayed incorrectly
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue entering emby/jellyfin home page
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue when connecting to some remote service
- FIXED: fix access token not refreshed issue with BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix crash issue when connecting to Synology host contains port
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue when entering emby detail page
- FIXED: fix issue that pip button not shown when auto pip is turned off
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.32
date: 2023-11-19 (build 205)
- ADDED: add control to display available space information to AliyunDrive
- ADDED: add metadata support to local flac files
- ADDED: add external subtitle support to play with Infuse
- ADDED: add child count display to OneDrive
- ADDED: add delete feature to emby
- FIXED: fix issue that some external subtitle can not auto loaded for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that password with space can not login
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.31
date: 2023-10-16 (build 204)
- ADDED: add sort by last episode date added feature to emby series
- FIXED: fix crash issue playing ts video with mpv player
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.30
date: 2023-10-13 (build 203)
- FIXED: fix app stuck issue when closing vlc player
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.29
date: 2023-10-09 (build 202)
- ADDED: add space info to aliyun drive
- ADDED: add force margin for mpv player
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of adjusting aspect ratio for video player
- IMPROVED: upgrade mpv to 0.36.0
- FIXED: fix issue that auto play next not working with vlc
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.28
date: 2023-09-03 (build 201)
- ADDED: add resource drive support to Aliyun Drive
- ADDED: add Mode selection to FTP connection
- FIXED: fix issue that file size calculation error
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.27
date: 2023-07-25 (build 200)
- ADDED: add subtitle shadow color setting for MPV player
- FIXED: fix possible play crash issue for iPadOS
- FIXED: fix display issue connecting Jellyfin for iPadOS
- FIXED: fix connection issue with Synology quick connect id
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.26
date: 2023-07-03 (build 199)
- ADDED: add directory file search support to Cloud service that support global search
- FIXED: fix issue that favorited SMB folder can not be opened
- FIXED: fix issue that danmaku frame drops when using MPV player with HDR support
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.25
date: 2023-06-27 (build 198)
- ADDED: add smooth switch for danmaku
- FIXED: fix unknown error with some emby playback
- FIXED: fix issue that danmaku not hide when turn off during playback
- FIXED: fix issue that adjust font size of danmaku not take effect during playback
- FIXED: fix issue that available space not correct for files
- FIXED: fix issue that password prompt not shown when decompressing 7z file with password proected
- FIXED: hide alist connect when uploading file
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue when loading cloud file thumbnail
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue with MPV player
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.24
date: 2023-06-20 (build 197)
- FIXED: fix issue that moving files not working with BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix issue that some emby video can not be played
- FIXED: fix crash issue caused by deinterlace for MPV player
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue with emby external link
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue with network share discovery
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue caused by changing file settings
- FIXED: fix possible crash issue with loading emby list
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.23
date: 2023-06-15 (build 195)
- FIXED: fix issue that some subtitles in Simplified Chinese could not be loaded automatically
- FIXED: fix issue that the RAR file containing password does not pop up the password input box
- FIXED: fix crash issue that may caused by the network library
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.22
date: 2023-06-08 (build 193)
- ADDED: add MKS subtitle format support
- FIXED: fix issue that some kind of subtitle format can not be selected
- FIXED: fix issue that app may not respond for iPadOS
- FIXED: fix issue that select subtitle not working with default player
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.21
date: 2023-06-07 (build 192)
- ADDED: add play with AVPlayer feature to emby (MP4 format only)
- ADDED: add quick selection feature to icon gallery
- ADDED: add secondary subtitle remember to playback history (MPV only)
- FIXED: fix issue that icon gallery will be insert at first after refreshed
- FIXED: fix issue that video version will be reset after scrolling
- FIXED: fix issue that icon in connection tab maybe wrong displayed
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.20
date: 2023-05-30 (build 191)
- ADDED: add clear metadata to library recent played items
- IMPROVED: improve playback logic for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that some subtitles may appear garbled when loaded by VLC
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.19
date: 2023-05-09 (build 190)
- ADDED: add mts video format support
- IMPROVED: improve UI of emby actor
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle color may cause mpv player crash
- FIXED: fix issue that emby series does not display included in section
- FIXED: fix issue that emby folder can not be sorted by added date
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.18
date: 2023-05-04 (build 189)
- ADDED: add settings in the file settings whether to delete Aliyun disk files into the recycle bin
- FIXED: fix crash issue with emby genernal search
- FIXED: fix issue that thumbnail of images not display for Dropbox
- FIXED: fix occasional crash issue when entering downloading page
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.17
date: 2023-04-22 (build 188)
- ADDED: add global search support to aliyun drive
- ADDED: add aliyun drive entrance to cloud server
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.16
date: 2023-04-19 (build 187)
- ADDED: add aliyun drive support
- ADDED: add deinterlace switch for MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that some lyrics may not loaded
- FIXED: fix playback issue in series detail page for emby
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.15
date: 2023-04-07 (build 185)
- ADDED: add control center support for video playback
- ADDED: add preferred language setting for subtitle
- ADDED: add preferred language setting for audio track
- ADDED: add cache settings for MPV player
- ADDED: add gpu-hq settings for MPV player (not recommended)
- ADDED: add error alert when playback failed for mpv player
- IMPROVED: improve performance of emby search
- IMPROVED: improve landscape support for video playback
- FIXED: fix subtitle not loaded when play next video track
- FIXED: fix crash caused by danmaku color
- FIXED: fix issue that large photo can not be viewed for Dropbox
- FIXED: fix crash caused by tapped skip starting of video player
- FIXED: fix memory leak issue with mpv player
- FIXED: fix fullscreen scale issue with mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue can not connect multi OneDrive accounts
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.14
date: 2023-03-07 (build 183)
- ADDED: add skip opening and ending settings for video player
- ADDED: add tint color setting for emby
- ADDED: add media library popup when tapping title view for emby
- IMPROVED: improve filename line break display
- FIXED: fix issue that some OneDrive can not view the original picture
- FIXED: fix issue that some video played with vlc player without sound
- FIXED: fix resume playback issue with mpv player
- FIXED: fix file order issue with file filtering
- FIXED: fix MPV for SMBv1 switch not working issue
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.13
date: 2023-02-28 (build 182)
- ADDED: add SMB support for mpv player
- ADDED: add DAT video format support
- ADDED: add auto load danmaku file feature
- ADDED: add video version preferences settings for emby
- ADDED: add search all result for emby
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of adjust volume and brightness for video player
- IMPROVED: upgrade mpv version to 0.35.1
- FIXED: fix network speed display issue for video player
- FIXED: fix issue that continue watching not updated in time when item mark as played for emby
NOTE: In an upcoming release version we will drop support for iOS 14, this will be one the last releases to support iOS 14.
Version 1.2.12
date: 2023-02-07 (build 181)
- FIXED: fix crash when loading lyrics from SMB
- FIXED: fix issue that webp not showing thumbnails
- Other improvements
Version 1.2.11
date: 2023-01-08 (build 180)
- FIXED: fix album cover display issue for emby audiobook
- FIXED: fix DLNA searching issue for iOS 16
Version 1.2.9
date: 2023-01-02 (build 177)
- FIXED: fix issue that user may can not use app when enabled app lock
- FIXED: fix issue that password with special characters caused image display issue
- FIXED: fix issue that long tags or links caused app crash when entering emby detail page
- FIXED: fix issue that video can not be played with custom path for SMB
- FIXED: fix issue that album artwork not displayed for emby music
Version 1.2.8
date: 2022-11-28 (build 174)
- ADDED: add confirmation for deleting connection
- FIXED: fix some cloud services searching issue
- FIXED: fix issue that battery level not shown in IPTV player
- FIXED: fix landscape orientation issue for IPTV player
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork not display when playing local audio
Version 1.2.7
date: 2022-10-24 (build 173)
- FIXED: fix issue that wrong icon display in connection order page
- FIXED: fix issue that wrong icon display in connection tag manage page
- FIXED: fix some UI issue for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that hidden and sort media library not working for emby
- FIXED: fix occasional crash issue when entering item page for emby
- FIXED: fix crash issue when parsing some gz format epg for IPTV
- FIXED: fix wrong audio when switching audio playback
Version 1.2.6
date: 2022-10-04 (build 172)
- ADDED: add regex mode to batch renaming
- ADDED: add switch to control battery level for video player
- ADDED: add external player support to Synology
- ADDED: add preview markdown menu when long press file
- ADDED: add customize icons for connections
- ADDED: add switch to control if load danmaku automatically
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of adding files
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of text editor
- IMPROVED: enter edit mode when creating new txt file
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of discover avaiable shares
- FIXED: fix issue that sometimes can not save IPTV subscription
- FIXED: fix playlist ordered issue resumed from media library
- FIXED: fix file size incorrect for some cloud service
- FIXED: fix video player rotation issue on iOS 16
- FIXED: fix issue that local files can not dragged to parent folder
Version 1.2.5
date: 2022-08-24 (build 170)
- ADDED: add separate backward seconds settings for video player
- ADDED: add customize danmaku server url feature
- ADDED: add match epg with tvg-name for IPTV
- ADDED: add remote lyrics support for audio player
- FIXED: fix some lyrics parsed issue
- FIXED: fix subtitle name for MPV player
Version 1.2.4
date: 2022-08-19 (build 169)
- ADDED: add log、xml format support to text editor
- IMPROVED: improve search experience of danmaku
- IMPROVED: improve display name of audio and subtitle tracks for MPV player
- IMPROVED: improve settings layout for Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that some local danmaku file parsed failed
- REMOVED: remove support for some cloud service
Version 1.2.3
date: 2022-08-18 (build 168)
- ADDED: add secondary subtitle support for MPV
- ADDED: add load danmaku from files feature
Version 1.2.2
date: 2022-08-15 (build 166)
- FIXED: fix danmaku not paused when player paused
- FIXED: fix danmaku display area issue
Version 1.2.1
date: 2022-08-14 (build 165)
- ADDED: add manually search feature for danmaku
- ADDED: add danmaku transparency setting
- ADDED: add language conversion settings for danmaku
- ADDED: add max display line setting for danmaku
- ADDED: add speed setting for danmaku
- ADDED: add danmaku menu in video player
- FIXED: fix problem of not being able to pause music playback through wired headphones
- FIXED: fix the crash caused by clicking iPad sidebar
- FIXED: fix issue that IPTV list may crash
Version 1.2.0
date: 2022-08-08 (build 162)
- ADDED: add danmaku feature to lab
- ADDED: add option to reset the display ratio and playback speed by double-clicking with two fingers
- ADDED: add extras feature at Emby details page
- ADDED: add movie recommendation page for emby
- IMPROVED: improve the layout of settings
- FIXED: fix issue of wrong display of total duration of pCloud video
- FIXED: fix issue of wrong display after downloading subtitles of shooter
- FIXED: fix issue that the default player window is reset after pause
- FIXED: fix issue that Jellyfin movie media library movie list showing empty
- FIXED: fix issue that OneDrive music file cover is not displayed in the player
Version 1.1.50
date: 2022-07-28 (build 160)
- ADDED: add file sort settings
- ADDED: add switch to control wheather folders always shown at top
- ADDED: add feature to keep every single folder sort config
- ADDED: add long press to delete IPTV recent play records
- ADDED: add tag section to Emby details page
- ADDED: add subtitle bold font switch to MPV player
- IMPROVED: improve batch moving and deleting for some cloud services
- FIXED: fix issue of incomplete display of some media libraries in Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that the subtitle suffix name was not recognized properly due to capitalization
- FIXED: fix issue that the current time jumps when dragging the progress bar of MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that occasional black screen in automatic picture in picture
- FIXED: fix issue that automatic picture in picture cannot be triggered occasionally
- FIXED: fix issue that some external subtitle can not be selected for emby
Version 1.1.49
date: 2022-07-19 (build 158)
- ADDED: add HDR feature to lab
- ADDED: add mount path support for SMB
- ADDED: add support to open with external player to some cloud services (WebDAV, PikPak, OneDrive)
- IMPROVED: improve Synology secondary authentication login experience
- IMPROVED: improve the bottom control layout of player in vertical screen
- FIXED: fix issue of removing spaces in the name when parsing IPTV
- FIXED: fix issue that the SMB service automatically identified may not be connected
Version 1.1.48
date: 2022-07-09 (build 156)
- ADDED: add feature of loading subtitles from the same directory
- ADDED: add a switch to close the player automatically at the end of playback
- ADDED: add sup and txt subtitle format support
- ADDED: add external keyboard shortcuts for iPad player
- IMPROVED: iPad select subtitle pop-up window is changed to full screen display
- IMPROVED: improve fast forward/fast rewind prompt interaction
- IMPROVED: improve the batch deletion efficiency of some cloud services
- FIXED: fix issue of wrong data display in the favorites list of Emby media library detail page
- FIXED: fix a memory leak problem in WebDAV image browsing
- FIXED: fix a crash caused by WebDAV viewing large images
Version 1.1.47
date: 2022-06-26 (build 155)
- ADDED: add auto pip feature to lab
- ADDED: add select subtitle from same folder feature
- ADDED: add screen cast feature to local videos
- ADDED: add timer to auto save playback history
- ADDED: auto close player when play to end
- IMPROVED: change filename of screenshot to timestamp
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of remote file ordering
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of remote file filtering
- FIXED: fix stuck issue with some emby movie
- FIXED: fix issue with AirPods for audio player
- FIXED: fix playback issue with some WebDAV using mpv player
Version 1.1.46
date: 2022-06-14 (build 153)
- ADDED: add webp image format support
- ADDED: add file filter
- ADDED: add screen cast feature to IPTV
- ADDED: add context menus to IPTV list
- FIXED: fix issue that playback state sometimes incorrect with MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that that FTP connection can only use port number 22
Version 1.1.45
date: 2022-06-07 (build 152)
- FIXED: fix issue of invalid horizontal sliding setting of player
- FIXED: fix issue that some Zip files are messed up after decompression
- FIXED: fix some typo
Version 1.1.44
date: 2022-06-04 (build 150)
- ADDED: add delete playback history feature
- ADDED: add a switch to control wheather resume playback from background
- FIXED: fix issue that connections not updated in time for iPad
- FIXED: fix issue that EPG may not updated in time
- FIXED: fix issue that some IPTV source parse failed
- FIXED: fix issue that local IPTV connection can changed file url
- FIXED: fix issue that can not connect emby for some case
- FIXED: fix issue that error message of networking error for Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that external subtitle not remembered for default video player
Version 1.1.43
date: 2022-05-25 (build 149)
- ADDED: add txt format support to IPTV
- ADDED: add progress seek support to IPTV
- ADDED: add aspect ratio support to IPTV
- ADDED: add playback history to IPTV
- ADDED: add new file theme
- ADDED: add playback history support to local videos
- IMPROVED: show selected file number when editing files
- FIXED: fix issue that play audio from BaiduPan sometimes stucked
- FIXED: change to play origin file for BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix issue that reorder connections not working
- FIXED: fix issue that some tvg logo can not displayed
- FIXED: fix issue that items number not updated after moved files
Version 1.1.42
date: 2022-05-18 (build 148)
- ADDED: add image thumbnail support to WebDAV
- ADDED: add EPG support to IPTV
- ADDED: add channel list support to IPTV
- ADDED: add search feature to IPTV
- ADDED: add more subtitle online service to video player
- ADDED: add switch to control double tap to refresh library for Emby
- IMPROVED: improve user experience adding IPTV connection
- IMPROVED: improve user experience connecting to Synology with 2-Step verification
- IMPROVED: remove blank space in batch rename format mode
- IMPROVED: improve thumbnail cache for SMB
- FIXED: fix issue that parse some M3U always failed
- FIXED: fix issue that local M3U connection synced with iCloud
Version 1.1.41
date: 2022-05-11 (build 142)
- ADDED: add image and video preview support to PikPak
- FIXED: fix some crash when click screencast button
- FIXED: fix issue that screencast result turns blank
- FIXED: fix issue that progress bar jumps when touching slider to seek for mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that start pip always failed for some devices
Version 1.1.40
date: 2022-05-08 (build 140)
- ADDED: add screencast switch to lab
- Added: adds support for subtitle background color feature for MPV player
- IMPROVED: improve IPTV user experience
- FIXED: fix issue that black border at the bottom of IPTV player
- FIXED: fix issue that address cannot be modified when editing the connection
- FIXED: fix issue that moving files not working with PikPak
- FIXED: fix issue that cannot view large images with OneDrive E5 account
Version 1.1.39
date: 2022-05-04 (build 138)
- ADDED: add iCloud sync feature to IPTV
- ADDED: add reorder feature to IPTV
- ADDED: add channel list to IPTV
- ADDED: add settings for IPTV
- ADDED: add reorder feature to connections
- ADDED: add transparency setting to video player controls
- ADDED: add 5 seconds fast forward option to video player
- IMPROVED: improve user experience using gesture to adjust volume and brightness for video player
- FIXED: fix issue that the file list maybe out of order when batch renaming
- FIXED: fix issue that text maybe truncated when selecting video verison in Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that click link in local markdown file may cause crash
- FIXED: fix issue that SMB port can not be customized
- FIXED: fix issue that not able to connect to some SMB services
- FIXED: fix issue that external subtitle selection not saved
Version 1.1.38
date: 2022-04-24 (build 134)
- ADDED: add tag group feature to connections
- ADDED: move favorited cloud folders to File tab
- ADDED: add settings entrance for emby
- ADDED: add media library management feature for emby
- ADDED: add toggle switch to control display unwatched number for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that copy to filebox
- FIXED: fix issue that lock gesture button not shown in portraint mode for video player
- FIXED: fix issue that continue watching not updated in time
- FIXED: fix issue that some library do not show view all for emby
- FIXED: fix layout issue with audio player in iPhone 7
Version 1.1.37
date: 2022-04-17 (build 132)
- ADDED: add format based batch rename feature
- ADDED: add context menu to favorite cloud folder
- ADDED: add battery level view to video player
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of playback rate
- FIXED: fix issue that local WAV music can not be played with audio player
- FIXED: fix playlist order issue for video player
- FIXED: fix issue that can not resume video from mounted folder
- FIXED: fix issue that no error alert when login failed with PikPak
Version 1.1.36
date: 2022-04-10 (build 130)
- ADDED: add global search to BaiduPan/GoogleDrive/OneDrive
- ADDED: add video and audio track memory for emby series
- ADDED: add activity indicator to cloud service searching
- ADDED: add switch control to save screenshot with one click to video player
- IMPROVED: improve search experience of emby
- FIXED: fix video color issue with HDR playing using MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that multiple players may play at the same time when playing through URL Scheme
- FIXED: fix issue that full screen setting for video player not working with MPV player
Version 1.1.35
date: 2022-04-02 (build 128)
- ADDED: add view media info feature to MPV player
- ADDED: add help function to some remote type login
- ADDED: add iCloud sync switch to some cloud services
- FIXED: fix issue that type Genre and Studio in search result of emby not supported
- FIXED: fix issue that downloaded file not shown in files list
- FIXED: fix issue that connection type can be changed when editing
Version 1.1.33
date: 2022-03-30 (build 122)
- ADDED: add option to control iCloud sync for single connection
- IMPROVED: improve icon of subtitle menu
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of quick emby search
- FIXED: fix issue that mounted local folder can not open after reboot device
- FIXED: fix issue that status bar always show when playing video using iPad
- FIXED: fix issue that tabbar touch delay with emby
- FIXED: fix issue that audio player duration is empty in now playing center
- FIXED: fix issue that video from OneDrive can not be resumed in library
Version 1.1.32
date: 2022-03-28 (build 120)
- ADDED: add change pasword feature to Emby
- ADDED: add context menu to edit lrc file
- ADDED: add switch to control prefer load local lyrics
- ADDED: add media source name to media codec section for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork will be clipped of emby item
- FIXED: fix issue that video player will be closed after saved image
- FIXED: fix issue that mp4 video served on SMB can not played with AVPlayer
- FIXED: fix issue that duration can not parsed from local FLAC files
- FIXED: fix some connection issue with PikPak connection
- FIXED: fix issue that audio player not paused when playing video using mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that moving files not working with Google Team Drive
- REMOVED: remove MEGA support
Version 1.1.31
date: 2022-03-24 (build 118)
- ADDED: add mount local folder feature
- ADDED: add PikPak support
- ADDED: add button to refresh continue wathcing section
- ADDED: add switch to prefer use system player
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of emby search
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of emby item detail page
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork of emby item maybe interrupted
- FIXED: fix issue that some Chinese subtitles may not loaded for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that app may crash when enter emby
- FIXED: fix issue that font settings not working for default video player
- FIXED: fix issue that some video on SMB can not be played
Version 1.1.30
date: 2022-03-16 (build 116)
- ADDED: add adjust subtitle position feature to MPV player
- ADDED: add subtitle border settings to MPV player
- ADDED: add adjust subtitle delay feature to video player
- ADDED: add groups to IPTV
- ADDED: add favorite channel to IPTV
- ADDED: add switch control to include subtitles in screenshot for mpv player
- ADDED: add toggle password button to remote login form
- ADDED: add mark played feature to emby detail page
- IMPROVED: improve UI of upcoming list of emby
- IMPROVED: improve UX of adjust font size in video player
- FIXED: fix issue that OneDrive file list can only display max to 200 items
- FIXED: fix issue that delete file confirmation switch not working for remote files
- FIXED: fix issue that playing music item not highlighted in playlist
- FIXED: fix artwork aspect ratio issue of of emby
Version 1.1.29
date: 2022-03-06 (build 112)
- ADDED: add group items count display to IPTV
- FIXED: fix issue that UI elements not displayed correctly in settings page
- FIXED: fix issue that some video’s audio and subtitle track will not be loaded correctly when playing with MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that new refresh items will be reset in emby library page
Version 1.1.28
date: 2022-03-06 (build 110)
- ADDED: add create text file feature
- ADDED: add vob video format support
- ADDED: add TNAS protocol support
- ADDED: add switch control to refresh IPTV subscriptions
- ADDED: add playlist supprt to emby
- ADDED: add force to use Chinese subtitle for emby in lab
- ADDED: add groups to IPTV
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of lock button in video player
- FIXED: fix issue that mpv player not play next item when play to end
- FIXED: fix crash issue that when mpv can not get video width and height info
- FIXED: fix crash issue that when deleting watched item of emby
Version 1.1.27
date: 2022-02-27 (build 108)
- ADDED: add rotate screen to MPV player
- ADDED: add font size setting to MPV player
- ADDED: add custom font setting to MPVPlayer
- ADDED: add quick access to add server
- FIXED: fix issue that selection state of audio track is wrong with MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that auth view not disappear when authed with OneDrive
- FIXED: fix issue that the name of subtitle loaded from cloud service is wrong for MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle with same file name of the video not automatically loaded when played using MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that MPV player not paused when searching subtitle
- FIXED: fix issue that video can not be played again when play to end using MPV player
- FIXED: fix issue that cover incorrect in emby item detail page when item type is Movie/Series
Version 1.1.26
date: 2022-02-20 (build 106)
- ADDED: add long press context menu to move top to saved account
- IMPROVED: optimize Emby search experience
- IMPROVED: optimize player buffer progress bar color
- FIXED: fixed issue where IPTV did not enter the IPTV player after entering the small window to resume
- FIXED: fixed issue where Emby might have two players playing at the same time
- FIXED: fixed issue that Emby My Favorite list could not be loaded
- FIXED: fixed issue that the shared shortcut folder in GoogleDrive could not be loaded
- FIXED: fixed issue that mpv player does not automatically load subtitles from the same directory
- FIXED: fix issue that cloud not load subtitle with the same filename of cloud service
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitles in the same directory are not loaded when resuming playback
Version 1.1.25
date: 2022-02-08 (build 102)
- ADDED: add gesture to adjust brightness and volume to tv player
- ADDED: add play with system player to local and remote video files
- ADDED: add edit lyrics feature to audio player
- ADDED: add PiP to MPV and IPTV player
- ADDED: add import M3U playlist to IPTV
- ADDED: add long press context menu to preview playlist for IPTV
- ADDED: add refresh feature to all IPTV sources
- ADDED: add playback speed setting to long pressed gesture for video player
- ADDED: add switch to control whether display remain time for video player
- ADDED: add switch to control whether display playback history in library
- IMPROVED: trim whitespaces of login password
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of emby search
- FIXED: fix issue that remote url in library can not be resumed
Version 1.1.24
date: 2022-02-02 (build 100)
- ADDED: add blur background to audio player
- ADDED: add artist display to audio player
- ADDED: add M3U file format support
- ADDED: add export m3u file to tv list
- ADDED: add screenshot feature to mpv player
- ADDED: add switch to use mpv player to video player settings
- FIXED: fix issue that screen will auto turn off when playing IPTV
- FIXED: fix issue that OneDrive can not connect other account
- FIXED: fix issue that file list file do not shown time of OneDrive
Version 1.1.23
date: 2022-01-29 (build 98)
- ADDED: add new feature to lab
- IMPROVED: improve mpv performance
- FIXED: fix metadata missing for audio player
- FIXED: fix playback speed will be reset when playing next item using mpv
Version 1.1.22
date: 2022-01-25 (build 96)
- ADDED: add lyrics support to audio player
- ADDED: add playlist support to audio player
- ADDED: add playback speed setting to audio player
- ADDED: add auto match metadata to audio player
- ADDED: add channel list support to emby
- ADDED: add hardware decode switch to mpv player
- IMPROVED: use filename to search subtitle
- FIXED: fix issue that can not edit metadata of local audio file
- FIXED: fix issue that app crash when playback time reach to end when using mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that can not play next video using mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that external subtitle not loaded when using mpv player
- FIXED: fix issue that music artist page display empty
- FIXED: fix issue that audio cloud not played in audio detail page of emby
Version 1.1.20
date: 2022-01-18 (build 92)
- ADDED: add default cover to music player
- IMPROVED: improve function of mpv player for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that can not play audio from emby list
- FIXED: fix issue that selected video version not played for emby
- FIXED: fix issue that selected subtitle not loaded when playing video from emby
- FIXED: fix issue that playlist only show 12 items when playing epsidoes from emby
Version 1.1.19
date: 2022-01-11 (build 90)
- ADDED: add auto load subtitle with same name of the playing video file from cloud service
- ADDED: add playlist support to cloud service for cloud videos
- ADDED: add pinch gesture to zoom video player
- ADDED: add gesture settings for video player
- ADDED: add photo support to emby
- ADDED: add hide server address in connection tab
- IMPROVED: all fields in file information page can be copied via long pressed gesture
- FIXED: fix issue that in some sence emby connection always failed
- FIXED: fix issue that cover display in wrong aspect of emby list
- FIXED: fix issue that orientation of video player always fixed
Version 1.1.18
date: 2021-12-18 (build 88)
- ADDED: add Jellyfin support
- ADDED: add switch Emby server to emby search page
- ADDED: add switch control of play controls for video player
- ADDED: add open network stream entrance at lab page
- ADDED: add URL Schemes at about page
- IMPROVED: improve connection speed of emby
- IMPROVED: add video version at emby media page
- IMPROVED: improve cover display ratio in emby search result page
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of video player control
- IMPROVED: fix issue that app may crash when enter some emby media page
- FIXED: fix issue that default subtitle not selected at emby media page
- FIXED: fix issue that can not load subtitle from Files app
- FIXED: fix issue that saved account not shown in connection tab
- FIXED: fix issue that file can not upload to root directory of OneDrive
- FIXED: fix issue that new created folder does not show when moving remote files
- FIXED: fix issue that batch rename may not working with cloud files
- FIXED: fix issue that status bar will shown in movie player in iPad
Version 1.1.17
date: 2021-12-06 (build 85)
- ADDED: add more AppIcon
- ADDED: add FLV video format support
- ADDED: add favorite button to emby item profile page
- ADDED: add my favorites to emby
- ADDED: add sort to emby list
- ADDED: add double tap to back/fast forward to video player
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of emby
- IMPROVED: improve control view of movie player
- IMPROVED: improve lock button to control touch is disabled
- FIXED: fix issue that baidu vip can not play video in baidu pan
- FIXED: fix issue that download file from Google Drive always failed
Version 1.1.16
date: 2021-11-28 (build 82)
- ADDED: Player new press-and-hold speed playback
- ADDED: add subtitle font picker to movie player
- ADDED: add aspect ratio picker to movie player
- ADDED: add m4v/m2ts video format support
- ADDED: add m4b audio format support
- ADDED: add heic image format support
- ADDED: add support to play shortcut videos for Google Drive
- ADDED: add a switch for whether to automatically find available services
- ADDED: add function that md5, sha1, sha256 can be copied by clicking on the file profile
- ADDED: add Emby video/audio/subtitle selection
- IMPROVED: improve experience of emby
- FIXED: fix issue that Google Drive file list is not fully displayed
- FIXED: fix issue that imported photos always store in root folder
- FIXED: fix Emby play record not sync server issue
- FIXED: fix issue that SFTP cannot connect with port other than 22
Version 1.1.15
date: 2021-11-18 (build 70)
- ADDED: add Google Team Drive support
- ADDED: add search to Emby
- IMPROVED: improve Emby experience
- FIXED: fix issue that some user may can not connect with Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that can not load more with Emby list
- FIXED: try to fix issue that can not play video with some SMB connection
- FIXED: fix issue that icon of saved account not display correctly in iPad
- FIXED: fix issue that edited name of cloud service will be reset
Version 1.1.14
date: 2021-11-14 (build 64)
- ADDED: add long press to sort saved cloud service
- IMPROVED: improve experience of Emby
- IMPROVED: cloud service now supports editing name
- IMPROVED: increase limit of images imported from photos
- FIXED: fix issue that some video can not be played with Emby
- FIXED: fix issue that iPad keyboard left and right arrow key can not fast forward and backward
- FIXED: fix issue that created folder is not displayed when moving files
- FIXED: fix issue that selected files not moved into newly created folder when moving files
- FIXED: fix issue that video play rate not synchronized in PiP mode
- FIXED: fix issue that local music and remote music can be played at the same time
Version 1.1.13
date: 2021-11-09 (build 63)
- ADDED: add emby support
- IMPROVED: improve view information of remote files
- IMPROVED: improve movie playback rate up to 4.0x
- FIXED: fix issue that incorrect file content after remote file update
- FIXED: fix issue that batch rename will crash on iOS 14
Version 1.1.12
date: 2021-11-03 (build 62)
- ADDED: add batch rename
- ADDED: add drag and drop support to local file browser
- ADDED: add drag and drop files from other applications for upload
- ADDED: add delete confirmation switch
- FIXED: fix issue that folder size always calculating
- FIXED: fix issue that upload small file to OneDrive always fails
Version 1.1.11
date: 2021-10-27 (build 61)
- ADDED: add picture in picture support for local video files
- IMPROVED: improve user experience of moving remote files
- FIXED: fix issue that some video files can not be played
- FIXED: fix issue that progress of remote video not updated when play video from remote list
- FIXED: fix issue that background audio glitch issue
Version 1.1.10
date: 2021-10-23 (build 60)
- ADDED: add icon size picker to files
- FIXED: fix issue that share action always shown in photo browser
- FIXED: fix issue that can not turn off app lock when FaceID is enabled
- FIXED: fix issue that when app lock enabled, presented view will be dismissed when come back from background
- FIXED: fix issue that progress of recent movie not updated
Version 1.1.9
date: 2021-10-20 (build 59)
- ADDED: add lyrics editor
- FIXED: fix issue that ID3 information not updated immediately
- FIXED: fix occasional crash when closing movie player
- FIXED: fix crash that playing a movie with AutoRotate switch turned off
Version 1.1.8
date: 2021-10-17 (build 58)
- IMPROVED: improve access to select audio track in video player
- IMPROVED: improve access to select subtitle in video player
- FIXED: fix issue that access token of OneDrive expires not correctly handled
- FIXED: fix issue that artwork cloud not automatically updated when metadata is missing
- FIXED: fix issue that recent history not removed when the source file deleted from remote server
Version 1.1.7
date: 2021-10-13 (build 57)
- ADDED: add server type indicator to recent history
- IMPROVED: improve performance of playing large amounts music
- FIXED: fix issue that shuffle folder not working
- FIXED: fix thumbnail load issue with Dropbpx
- FIXED: fix title display issue with remote grid mode
Version 1.1.6
date: 2021-10-10 (build 56)
- ADDED: add grid mode to remote browser
- ADDED: add thumbnail for cloud service
- ADDED: add thumbnail support for Text and PDF files
- ADDED: add Laboratory to explore experimental features
- FIXED: fix issue that delete video from video player does not clear playback history
Version 1.1.5
date: 2021-10-06 (build 54)
- ADDED: add app lock
- ADDED: add a switch for whether to pop up the player in the music player
- ADDED: add thumbnail switch to video, audio and image files
- FIXED: fix issue incorrect display of play button status after switching videos
- FIXED: fix issue that the video player did not load the progress after switching videos
Version 1.1.4
date: 2021-09-28 (build 53)
- FIXED: fix crash issue with iOS 14
Version 1.1.3
date: 2021-09-27 (build 52)
- ADDED: add upload queue
- ADDED: add large file upload support
- FIXED: fix issue that load non-image files when browsing local images
- FIXED: fix issue that audio and video files of WebDAV(HTTPS) can not be played under LAN
- FIXED: fix issue that remove file/folder not working with NFS
Version 1.1.2
date: 2021-09-19 (build 50)
- FIXED: fix issue that copy to Filebox not working
- FIXED: Fix issue that video cannot be played with SMB connected through discovery
- FIXED: fix issue that the error “Socket is not connected” may appear for SMB connection
- FIXED: fix crash issue with non-exist nfs server
Version 1.1.1
date: 2021-09-17 (build 48)
- ADDED: add preview remote text files
- ADDED: add upload file support to BaiduPan
- FIXED: fix issue that favorites folder may not be canceled
- FIXED: fix download issue with BaiduPan and Dropbox
Version 1.1.0
date: 2021-09-14 (build 47)
- ADDED: add auto discover network share services
- ADDED: add search files to remote server
- ADDED: add keybobard control for iPad when playing video
- ADDED: remember last side bar selection for iPad
- FIXED: fix issue that pull down to refresh arrow shown behind navigation bar
- FIXED: fix issue that subtitle shown in search scopes
- FIXED: fix issue that can not upload file with WebDAC connection
- FIXED: fix issue that duration always been zero when playing video from pCloud
- FIXED: fix list some folder issue with FTP connection
Version 1.0.24
date: 2021-09-03 (build 45)
- ADDED: add MEGA support
- IMPROVED: optimze filename order
- FIXED: fix brightness view does not show while adjust screen brightness
Version 1.0.23
date: 2021-09-01 (build 43)
- ADDED: add pull to refresh to cloud service
- IMPROVED: remember collapsed setting of connection entry
- FIXED: fix issue that OneDrive can not list folder
Version 1.0.22
date: 2021-08-26 (build 42)
- ADDED: add import videos and photos from Photos app
- ADDED: add WMV video format support
- IMPROVED: improve favorite folders from cloud service
Version 1.0.21
date: 2021-08-23 (build 41)
- ADDED: add Baidu Pan support
- ADDED: add pCloud support
- ADDED: add long press folder to shuffle
- ADDED: add batch upload files and folders
- IMPROVED: improve video player adjust volume experience
- FIXED: fix issue that load subtitle from remote server can only load subtitle within root folder
- FIXED: fix issue that remember video play history switch does not work
Version 1.0.20
date: 2021-08-17 (build 40)
- ADDED: add upload context menu to local files
- IMPROVED: improve search subtitle experience
- FIXED: fix issue that remote connect account maybe saved twice
- FIXED: fix issue that connect to server that does not have a nfs server will be crashed
Version 1.0.19
date: 2021-08-14 (build 39)
- ADDED: add ability to preview local HTML files
- IMPROVED: connect with SMB that address contains share name now automatically connects the specified share
- FIXED: fix issue that move remote files only moves the first file
- FIXED: fix issue that playing ts format video get duration wrong
- FIXED: fix issue that can not play video with some SMB connection
Version 1.0.18
date: 2021-08-08 (build 38)
- ADDED: add Box support
- ADDED: add Google Drive support
- ADDED: add photo browser to OneDrive and Dropbox
- IMPROVED: Hide video controls when swipe to forward and backward
- FIXED: fix some folder could not list files with OneDrive connection
Version 1.0.17
date: 2021-08-06 (build 37)
- ADDED: add Dropbox support
- FIXED: fix issue that recent movie title wrong with OneDrive
Version 1.0.16
date: 2021-08-02 (build 36)
- ADDED: add OneDrive support
- ADDED: add local photo browser
Version 1.0.15
date: 2021-07-30 (build 35)
- ADDED: add option to select audio track in video player
- ADDED: add option to turn off auto save video playback history
- FIXED: fix issue that remote audio file
- FIXED: fix issue that remember video play history not working at iPad
Version 1.0.14
date: 2021-07-22 (build 34)
- ADDED: add NFS remote protocol support
- ADDED: add subtitle abilities to video player
- ADDED: add file sort menu to remote files
- ADDED: add flac and caf audio file format support
- ADDED: add webm and ogg video file format support
- FIXED: fix connection issue with Synology which enables 2-Step verification
Version 1.0.13
date: 2021-07-16 (build 33)
- ADDED: add delete file action to movie player
- ADDED: add remote music file playback support
- IMPROVED: remember last expand or collapse behavior of saved accounts and favorited folders
- IMPROVED: improve reveval search result
- FIXED: fix issue that can not search song when music player is not playing
- FIXED: fix crash when using guest mode to connect to SMB server
- FIXED: fix crash when taking snapshot of a video but current player does not has a video output
- FIXED: fix issue that connect without username and password using WebDAV may cause crash
- FIXED: fix connecting issue with FTP
Version 1.0.12
date: 2021-07-03 (build 32)
- ADDED: add now playing music bar to iPad
- ADDED: add auto update music metadata switch toggle
- IMPROVED: Reduce the size of app
- FIXED: fix issue that compressed file can not be decompressed for the second time
- FIXED: fix issue that folder cannot be compressed
Version 1.0.11
date: 2021-06-30 (build 30)
- ADDED: add movie playlist in movie player
- ADDED: add more swipe actions to file
- FIXED: fix issue that music player maybe presented twice
- FIXED: fix issue that 7z and tar files do not decompress when tap the file
Version 1.0.10
date: 2021-06-18 (build 28)
- add movie playlist in library when they are tv series
- improve library movie artwork load performance
- fix issue that auto fetch metadata not working as expected
- fix issue that movies with uppercased extension can not be played
- fix change play mode not working when playing music
Version 1.0.9
date: 2021-06-13 (build 27)
- redesign the UI of file information viewer
- add image browser to remote images (WebDAV/Synology/SMB/FTP)
- add now playing item animation in playlist
- add information viewer to remote files
- fix issue that invalid address may cause crash when connect with SMB connection
- fix issue that compress file always fails
Version 1.0.8
date: 2021-06-09 (build 26)
- add rating information to movie metadata
- add multiple selection support to add file from Files
- fix issue that in certain scenario WebDAV can not be connected
- fix rename file and move file issue with WebDAV connection
- fix issue that advanced information not loaded when editing saved network share account
- improve performance
Version 1.0.7
date: 2021-06-05 (build 25)
- add a way to edit metadata of library recent played movies
- add a new network share protocol: WebDAV(HTTPS)
- fix connection issue with WebDAV server
- fix download file issue with WebDAV and FTP connections
- fix now playing bar music artwork not clipped issue
- improve recent played movie title to two lines to display more information
Version 1.0.6
date: 2021-06-03 (build 24)
- Add playback list to recent played videos
- fix issue that toolbar will overlaped by now playing bar when editing remote server files
- fix issue that download nested folder will always failed
- fix issue that when files removed but recent played videos not updated
Version 1.0.5
date: 2021-05-31 (build 22)
- Redesign Library tab
- Redesign now playing bar of music player
- add context menu to file search result
- add goto folder to file search result
- improve music player last playlist
Version 1.0.4
date: 2021-05-26 (build 20)
- add movie playback history progress to remote video
- add multiple selection operations to remote files
- fix issue with deleting folder with SFTP connection
Version 1.0.3
date: 2021-05-14 (build 16)
- add download HTTP resources directly
- now you can play previous/next video in video player when playing folders contains multiple videos
- fix smb path issue cause can note create folder and delete files
- optimize remote login error message
- add website in about page
- fix page control color issue in onboarding page
- fix the problem that remote folders are not updated when moving files in some cases
- fix address and protocol not saved when edit remote account
Version 1.0.2
date: 2021-05-12 (build 15)
- add onboarding screen
- add home screen quick action to shuffle music
- add transfer files via AirDrop
- add sleep timer to music player
- add get started documents
- fix markdown export pdf page size issue
- fix orientation issue with video player when returned from background
Version 1.0.1
date: 2021-05-09 (build 11)
- add more icon in remote browser to trigger contextual menu
- improve video play history managment
- fix mail feedback cancel button tapped has no effect issue
- fix video can not played in downloading page
- fix font setting value not updated when new font selected
- fix airdrop cold launch files not copied issue
Version 1.0.0
date: 2021-05-04 (build 10)
- initial release